The list of seven wonders of the world, has always been great fun for all of us, as was a vision of all the unusual and unique natural and man made structures in the world. This list was changed and a series of new seven wonders of the world, has been declared, but this type of list was also present in ancient times? Research has shown that in fact it did in ancient greek.
New research has now found a list of 'Seven Wonders of the Ancient World'. Reportedly, the greek had great wonder in any rating structure that has been made. As the number seven has religious connotations in the Greek culture that number was taken to place the best creation. Thus, the 'Seven Wonders of the Ancient World' was not listed at the same time. The creations were shown how and when they were created. There was really no one list of wonders. Their have been numerous lists compiled by any Greek writer Antipater of Sidon where, and Philo of Byzantium, made the best list. The list that was created has been recognized in the 2nd century BC by Antipater of Sidon.
We see the seven wonders of the ancient world -
1.Great Pyramid of Giza - The Great Pyramid of Giza is the only surviving monument in the old list of Seven Wonders of the Ancient World. It is believed to be build the fourth dynasty Egyptian King Khufu. The Great Pyramid of Giza was built for over 20 years and over 3,800 years remained the tallest man-made structure.
2.The 'Hanging Gardens of Babylon - The Hanging Gardens of Babylon, which is believed to be built in 600 BC was a marvelous creation built under the regime of King Nebuchadnezzar II. The hanging gardens of Babylon, has not been suspended, in the sense of being suspended on nuts and bolts, but it was something like a garden created on a roof. According to legend, the king built to entertain his wife Amyitis. The Gardens of Babylon is hinging believd being destroyed by an earthquake and it is now nothing left.
3.The 'Temple Of Arthemis - This temple was also known as the Temple of Diana, was built in 120 years under the supervision of Croesus of Lydia. The Antipater of Sidon, describes it as: "When I saw the house of Artemis that mounted to the clouds, those other marvels lost their shine, and I said, 'Here, in addition to Olympus, the sun never to watch anything (any thing) so great. "(Antipater, Greek Anthology [IX.58]). The temple was destroyed by fire and there is nothing original today.
4.The 'Statue of Zeus - the statue of Zeus in Olympis is considered one of the greatest wonders of the ancient greek. The Statue of Zeus was a statue 40 feet high sculpted by the sculptor Phidias classic. The statue was carved in ivory, covered in gold and seated on a throne of cedar wood, with ivory, gold, ebony and other precious stones. On the right hand of the statue was the size of Nike, the goddess of Voctiry and on the left was an eagle perched. The towering statue was a wonder in itself. Some say that the height is burnt, and others believe that it was decreased with the temple itself.
5.The 'Mausoleun of Maussollos - This was a tomb built by King Mausolus between 353-350 BC at Halicarnassus. In the tomb of the king lived with his wife and sister. The tomb was designed by architects Satyr classical greek and Pizio. The grave was 45 feet tall and the four sides of the tomb was designed by four classical sculptors of the time. The tomb was built to meet the king in order to establish a capital whose beauty and the earth will be the most difficult to catch. The beauty and abundance of the fortress the definition of 'grave' of the word.
6.Colossus Of Rodes - The Cocossus of Rodes was built by Demetrius, the son of one of the potential successors of Nepolean, Antigonus I Monophthalmus. After Rodes invaded with 40,000 troops and finally got the victory after many attempts, Demetrio as a sign of victory created the Colossus of Rhodes. This is a 60 foot high saturated Zeus standing on a pedestal of white marble near the port of Mandraki. The structure is made of iron and bronze. It took 12 years to complete the statue was destroyed in an earthquake within 56 years.
Of 7.Lighthouse Alexzandria - Alexzandria The Lighthouse was built in the 3rd century BC and was the first lighthouse to be built for the reference port. E 'was 115-35 meters high and has remained the tallest man-up to several centuries. Therefore been named as the seven wonders of the ancient world, the technology used in construction. A mirror was placed in the apex of the structure to reflect sunlight to heat the night ans was burnt.The Roman coins stuck on the side of the four defined structure the impression of a statue of a triton. It 'been destroyed by two earthquakes in the 14th century.
The seven wonders of the ancient world, are wonderous to the present generation and, as it was created at a minimum with the technology, the availability of material and communication.
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